Meningitis is an infection affecting the membranes that line the skull and spinal cord. Cryptococcal meningitis is a type of meningitis acquired by a mucus called Cryptococcus.

This type of meningitis mainly affects people with weakened allowed systems due to another affliction. If not treated, cryptococcal meningitis tin can have lasting consequences and can even exist fatal.

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Cryptococcal meningitis affects the spinal cord and the lining of the brain.

Cryptococcus is a common fungus that is frequently establish in soil and bird debris. Cryptococcal meningitis is a serious infection of the lining of the brain and spinal cord caused by this fungus.

It is rare for a healthy person to develop cryptococcal meningitis. Almost people who develop cryptococcal meningitis have a weakened immune system caused past an underlying illness, for case, HIV or cirrhosis of the liver.

Symptoms of cryptococcal meningitis oft develop gradually, inside a few days to weeks of exposure to the fungus.

A person with cryptococcal meningitis may develop the following symptoms:

  • headache
  • nausea and airsickness
  • fatigue
  • confusion or hallucinations
  • personality changes
  • sensitivity to light
  • fever
  • strong neck
  • blurred vision

It may exist difficult for someone to tell if they have symptoms of cryptococcal meningitis. Many of the symptoms may be similar to the side effects of a medication they may be taking to treat an underlying condition.

If left untreated, cryptococcal meningitis tin can lead to more than serious symptoms, including:

  • fluid on the brain
  • coma
  • hearing loss

Cryptococcal meningitis can be fatal if not treated chop-chop, particularly in people with HIV or AIDS.

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Cryptococcal meningitis may be found in soil or bird debris.

2 types of Cryptococcus fungi cause cryptococcal meningitis.

The fungus C. neoformans causes most cases of cryptococcal meningitis. This species is unremarkably institute in soil and is spread via bird debris.

The 2d fungus that causes cryptococcal meningitis is C. gatti. This diversity is not found in the soil only is associated with several trees, including eucalyptus.

Non as many cases of cryptococcal meningitis are caused by C. gatti as by C. neoformans. Withal, C. gatti is more than probable to cause cryptococcal meningitis in individuals who are healthy.

Cryptococcal meningitis is a relatively rare illness, and most healthy people are not at take chances of developing cryptococcal meningitis. It is most common in people who accept a weakened immune organization.

People more at run a risk for developing cryptococcal meningitis volition oftentimes have one of the following underlying conditions:

  • HIV
  • AIDS
  • diabetes
  • leukemia
  • cirrhosis of the liver
  • transplanted organs

Cryptococcal meningitis is nearly likely to occur in people who take a low CD4 count. CD4 cells, too known as T cells, are a type of white blood cell and vital to the immune organization.

People with HIV and AIDS often have low CD4 counts, so they are much more likely than others to develop cryptococcal meningitis.

Fungal meningitis is not spread from person to person. Instead, an individual acquires cryptococcal meningitis when they inhale soil particles contaminated by bird droppings.

The fungus showtime infects the body, and and so the infection spreads to the fundamental nervous arrangement, resulting in cryptococcal meningitis.

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A spinal tap may be required to diagnose cryptococcal meningitis.

A dr. volition diagnose cryptococcal meningitis past assessing someone's symptoms and medical history. If a physician suspects a person has cryptococcal meningitis, they will order a spinal tap to confirm the diagnosis.

During a spinal tap, a medico will insert a needle into the person'southward spinal column, simply above their hips, to excerpt spinal fluid.

The fluid will be examined for signs of infection and to see if cryptococcus is the cause of the infection.

A doctor may order blood tests in improver to doing a spinal tap.

Doctors apply antifungal drugs to treat cryptococcal meningitis. Common antifungal medications used to treat it include:

  • amphotericin B
  • fluconazole
  • itraconazole
  • flucytosine

Doctors often employ a combination of amphotericin B and fluconazole. These drugs may be administered intravenously, unremarkably for a long time.

A person will be advisedly monitored during handling, every bit both of these drugs can have serious side effects, including kidney damage.

Once a person'south spinal fluid shows no signs of cryptococcal meningitis, a dr. volition likely conform their medications and stop using amphotericin B, to reduce the risk of kidney bug.

In some people with cryptococcal meningitis, a doctor may also recommend draining some of the spinal fluid. Doing this reduces the pressure on the brain.

It is possible for a person to have complications from cryptococcal meningitis, as well as from the handling they receive.

Complications from cryptococcal meningitis may include:

  • repeat cryptococcal infections
  • seizures
  • hearing loss
  • encephalon damage
  • excessive fluid in the encephalon

Complications from treatment with amphotericin B may include:

  • kidney harm
  • muscle and joint pain
  • fever
  • nausea and vomiting

Nearly people who develop cryptococcal meningitis accept an underlying condition that weakens their immune system, most often HIV or AIDs.

Cases of cryptococcal meningitis amidst people with AIDS has decreased by 90 per centum in the U.s.a. since the introduction of antiretroviral therapy or ART.

Cryptococcal meningitis is now uncommon in the U.S., though it remains prevalent in countries with higher rates of HIV and AIDS where ART is less available.

Cryptococcal meningitis infections tend to recur after treatment. Because of this, many people who have had the illness will take antifungal medications to forbid a recurrence.