Room Reveal: Wood-paneled blah to bold blue voila!

I am and so excited to finally bear witness you the progress I've fabricated in our dining room! When we bought our house a few months agone, we started with a dining room covered in wood paneling and dusty floral curtains. Information technology had potential with the wood flooring and a nice forest hutch in the corner, but this was immediately the first room I wanted to make over considering I cannot handle eating in forest-paneled blah. I showed yous my mood board a while dorsum and now yous get to see how it turned out. Hither are before and later on pictures…

Bold Blue Dining Room Title

I ended up painting an accent wall in the bold blue color (Clark & Kensington Artistic Blue) and the other three walls in a light grayness (Clark & Kensington Garden Stone). The greyness came out lighter than I expected, only information technology looks vivid and clean. I painted right over all of the wood paneling and it turned out bully. I made sure to fill in all the blast holes and used a flake of painter's caulk to fill in any gaps around the edges. I'k actually happy with how information technology turned out. The pigment went on smoothly and I like the paneled texture now that information technology's covered in prissy colors.


I really like the hutch in the corner. It has bang-up display space and plenty of drawers for storage. I left it every bit is for now to see how I similar the wood, but one mean solar day I will probably paint the entire thing. I am going to experiment with adding new knob hardware to the drawers and a colorful, temporary groundwork to the shelves. That might exercise the play a trick on of livening it up without covering up the wood.

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This room has a overnice window that lets in a lot of light in the afternoons. That drapery was a $2.00 find at Goodwill a while back and I already had the pall rod. The painting of the cityscape is original piece of work from my super artistic sister, Amy. (Check out her Etsy shop.) The painting is a temporary filler on that big wall, since I plan to add a gallery wall of some sort in that location. I'm just trying to decide what type of gallery wall I want to contain–stay tuned for updates!

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The trim in this room was all mismatched. Some was a murky white and other pieces were cheap pine. I painted all of the trim in Clark & Kensington Designer White and look forrad to slowly painting the rest of the trim in the firm to match.

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Past the way, I bought that bottle of wine specifically for the cuteness of the characterization. I'm a sucker for pretty paper. And I figured I couldn't go wrong with the vino, either 🙂

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Bold Blue Dining Room 12I also have some piece of work to do on the empty wall space above my bar cart area. I am thinking of adding a floating shelf that I can hang wine spectacles from, but I may but hang some artwork I already accept for now since my goal is to work with what I have rather than buying annihilation new. The only things I purchased for this makeover was the clock and a couple gallons of paint. The other matter I plan to purchase eventually is a new low-cal fixture. In that location is currently a builder-class low-cal in here and I'd honey to supercede it with something more than interesting.

You lot'll discover the ugly pine doors in this room – there are two doorways into the room plus the door to our cedar closet. I eventually plan to paint all of the doors in our house a really dark grey, only I desire to tackle them all at once. Plus, I'm not convinced I really need doors in this room so I may cease up removing them all together.

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I bought these ball vase fillers at Walmart a while back. I had them in a boring bowl and wasn't really loving them, but I really like how they look here in this fruit basin. We utilize the table quite a bit for crafting, paperwork and lath games in add-on to eating, and so it's nice to accept a small centerpiece that's not in the manner and can be moved hands.

Bold Blue Dining Room 2

In case you lot're wondering, that awesome clock is a Hobby Lobby notice from a while back. I bought it earlier we even put an offering on this house, and it'southward been patiently waiting in its box since and so. I beloved how information technology pops against the blueish and adds a focal point to that wall.

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Bold Blue Dining Room Title 2

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