David O Mckay Taught Again No Success Can Compensate for Failure in the Home

No Other Success Can Compensate for Failure in the Dwelling house?

For equally long every bit I can remember, I take been familiar with a uncomplicated but challenging quote. For most of my life I have tried to sympathise how to shape my life in such a fashion equally to try to live up to it. The quote?

"No other success can compensate for failure in the domicile."

This quote is often attributed to David O. McKay but was in actuality simply popularized past him. He was actually quoting James Edward McCulloch, known professionally equally J.E. McCulloch. Unfortunately, little is known of J.East. McCulloch today. According to his death certificate, James Edward McCulloch was a sociologist built-in in 1873 and died at the age of 65 in 1939. Every bit with many quotes, his quote has been misquoted in many forms and ways over the years.

David O. McKay popularized J.E. McCulloch's, "No other success can recoup for failure in the abode." quote when he included it at the end of the post-obit longer statement:

"The home is the first and almost effective place to learn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, cocky control, the value of pedagogy, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Nothing can accept the place of dwelling in rearing and instruction children, and no other success can recoup for failure in the dwelling house."

I realize that in today's globe of distraction, declining civility, war, violence, affliction, turmoil, etc. that home and family life are no longer what they were almost a hundred years agone.

David O. McKay's quote may be viewed by some as very controversial given it focuses on the abode and family. I empathise that this may exist a sensitive topic for many of us depending on our family upbringing, life feel, and personal views. That said, there is definite wisdom in the quote that warrants an evaluation in terms of its potential applicability today. The quote was popularized nearly 90 years ago. A lot has changed since so.

When David O. McKay made his bold proclamation to the world he probably had no idea that in the 2020s nosotros would accept Netflix, iPhones, Cyberspace, TikTok, memes, EV cars, social media, etc. In fact, he probably had no idea what we would be facing in our lives. Or did he?

We have serious problems, including the ever increasing turn down of the family, violence and abuse in homes, rampant drug addiction, 24/7/365 pornography access and habit, anxiety and low, gaming, sexual diseases, infidelity and adultery, indulgence and distraction (in the palm of our hand), viral social media, media bias, cyber bullying, state of war, violent criminal offence, and countless other social and political ills that get in difficult to find peace, happiness, purpose, and meaning in this life.

And so, let's revisit David O. McKay's full quote and break it down a bit:

"The abode is the outset and well-nigh effective place to acquire the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, cocky control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life. Zilch can take the place of dwelling in rearing and didactics children, and no other success tin can compensate for failure in the home."

Permit's split up the quote into 2 parts:

"The domicile is the outset and almost effective place to larn the lessons of life: truth, honor, virtue, self command, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life."

Is in that location a meliorate or more conducive way for families or citizens of the world to be raised and ready to positively contribute to the world than in the home? Certain, these lessons can exist taught to some extent in school, religious institutions, work, social networks, etc. but are they comparable to a dwelling where such things equally truth, honor, virtue, self control, the value of education, honest work, and the purpose and privilege of life tin can be taught with love and nurturing? Isn't the dwelling house a place where families (no matter what your definition of family unit may be) can share each other'southward burdens and build each other up?

The 2nd part of his quote:

"Nothing tin can take the identify of dwelling house in rearing and teaching children, and no other success can recoup for failure in the habitation."

No affair what your view may be on what constitutes a family, you volition likely see the logic of his statement for the home existence the ideal found for "rearing and teaching children" to prepare them to find meaning in a circuitous and challenging world.

In today's popular culture and views, much attending is placed on saving the environment, righting social and economic injustices, etc. At that place is good to be washed in such 'global' problems but seeking first to build a amend dwelling house and resting and raising a strong generation in the domicile is a greater measure of one'southward success. Again, I am not diminishing the demand to accost many of these global problems only we each accept more command and influence in our homes than we exercise in changing globe governments, behavior, policies, laws, etc.

For others, success at work or in social settings is a primary focus. Oftentimes, such aspirations and pursuits, while good intentioned, come at the expense of the domicile.

While our challenges to living lives of truth, honor, virtue, self control, valuing pedagogy, honest work, etc. may have dramatically increased, I think we tin all recognize the wisdom of both J.E. McCulloch and David O. McKay'south statements. We must first showtime with what is most of import and in our control and sphere of influence. Wouldn't the world be a better place if these values and principles were taught in every home? Wouldn't there be less war, murder, offense, hate, adultery, drug abuse, etc.?

Possibly information technology's sometime fashioned thinking but it seems that focusing on the home is still as audio equally information technology was virtually a hundred years ago.

Bray Brockbank is CMO and VP of Strategy for Brandegy, a specialized brand and digital marketing agency for technology companies. Bray has led marketing efforts for a wide range of B2B and B2C SaaS startups and tech enterprises. He has also served equally a fractional CMO for several SaaS applied science companies.


Source: https://medium.com/@braybrockbank/no-other-success-can-compensate-for-failure-in-the-home-d0e8afde2324?source=rss-d195ce64e54b------2

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