Tumblr Tumblr User Hcanderson Reviews Dark Souls Prepare to Die Edition

Dark Souls: Fix to Die Edition PC Review

At this point we tin say this is the nearly frustrating, withal most rewarding game you will ever play.

Published Sun, Sep 9 2012 ane:32 AM CDT | Updated Tue, Nov 3 2020 7:01 PM CST

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition PC Review 99 | TweakTown.com


If ever in that location was a game that was destined to not succeed it was Dark Souls. There were and so many decisions in this game that seemed and so far out of left field and so different to the norm that it seemed destined to only attract a minor hardcore base of gamers. However, the chance paid off and Dark Souls became one of the all-time RPG games of 2011, if not the best.

PC gamers clamoured for a port, and later a petition, From Software decided that a PC port should exist done and this leaves u.s. with the Prepare to Die Edition, an expanded version of the game that incorporates the upcoming DLC for the console versions too as some revisions to the master game.

Dark Souls is a game where the storyline really does not thing. It's one of those games where story comes second to gameplay and this is in many ways why the game shines. Cliché as it may be, the game does have a story, but the simply time this actually comes into play is during the opening and closing cutting scenes. No real story progression happens during the actual gameplay.

And this is expert because it allows the game to shine at what it does best. Night Souls is a game with an open earth, but punishes players over and over again. Information technology is in fact possible with the right skills to defeat nearly every enemy in the game from the kickoff and it is also possible to be smashed to a pulp past the nearly basic of enemies. Even with a strong character. This paradigm is what makes Dark Souls what it is and rewards players for exploration and learning rather than only quick reflexes.

There are many to what will occur in this game. The offset office is when you approach a new area. Around every corner enemies and traps are present to trip you upward and whilst in near games finding a new expanse tin be a time of joy and accomplishment, in Dark Souls it is a time to exist nigh fearful. This is when you will most often succumb to the games many enemies or traps. And over time (a few hours unremarkably), you volition become accustomed to how the expanse works and employ that knowledge to defeat it, giving ultimate satisfaction.

Dark Souls: Prepare to Die Edition PC Review 1 | TweakTown.com

Dark Souls is a game that is not afraid to anger you to the point of y'all wanting to boom keyboards or controllers against the wall. There are many blueprint aspects in Night Souls designed to spiral you over every single minute of your game time. For example, when y'all do succumb to the world (and chances are this will happen at least twice during the tutorial), you have to return to the final bonfire (save point). Quite ofttimes that bonfire can be at least an 60 minutes's gameplay behind your current position.

Notwithstanding, information technology gets worse. When y'all exercise succumb, you have ane chance to make information technology dorsum to your body and recover your items. If yous practise non arrive back, y'all lose it all. This game is full of take chances and reward and those who risk a lot, will be rewarded in many ways. And to top it all off visiting a bonfire volition return enemies back to the areas yous have cleared (except for the special characters). Once more you have to make a decision equally to press on, or render to the bonfire, heal upwards and have all the enemies out again.

One of the cruellest and more than interesting aspects of the game is the invasion system. At a sure point in the game yous can obtain an item which allows you to invade other players online and kill them. And so if yous are playing online (enabled by default on PC), at whatsoever moment someone can invade and kill y'all. Making you lose hours of progress.

This can also be put to a practiced use and you tin ask other players to join your game to help you with some of the tougher bits. This particular characteristic gives an interesting insight into the psychology of gamers. Some want to only give grief, and others want to help. This is one of the features that make Nighttime Souls the game it is.

Nevertheless, even with all this soul destroying game blueprint in place, well-nigh of the time when you succumb to the globe, it will be your own fault, and you volition know information technology. Perhaps yous ran around a corner likewise fast, took a jump yous shouldn't have or pulled too many enemies. The game is punishing, but not to the extent that you think the game is being cheap and pulling out overly strong AI characters just to be inexpensive and nasty. And this gives an interesting effect. Instead of you lot wanting to throw this game against the wall and never play it again, you will desire to come back over and again, trying out new strategies until you ultimately win. Dark Souls can have over every waking moment of your life equally yous try to build new strategies and apply them to win.


At that place are a few things which are disappointing with the PC release. Namco Bandai have decided to implement Games for Windows Live into the software and this can pb to some connectivity bug sometimes, but as well on the flipside it ways that Xbox 360 controllers are supported natively and work perfectly. It is almost at a betoken where we can say that playing with a mouse and keyboard is pointless. Dark Souls was designed for a controller and this is clear as day when playing.

Another disappointment is the graphical options. Whilst Nighttime Souls is by no means a bad looking game, in fact the quite reverse, it remains true that the resolution and frame rate has been capped to that which is the same of the consoles. This gives the feeling of a cheap port even though the rest of the game actually does experience polished. There are unofficial fixes out there now to remove these limits, merely given the PC platform, this should never have had to happen in the first place. Other than that the atmosphere, level sounds and environments are all perfect to the panel production and look amazing, even in there low resolution models.

In an age where gamers complain incessantly that games are too like shooting fish in a barrel these days, and also curt, Night Souls comes out to show just how tough a game tin can be. From the showtime yous have no lengthy tutorial (one does exist however), no handholding or guides, nothing. It is yous versus the world the game is prepare in and that is what makes it one of the most unique gaming experiences around.

Everyone's mileage will vary with information technology, anybody will have a breaking point, and everyone's game will play differently as there is nigh infinite means to beat each dominate. Dark Souls is a game that will smash yous to $.25, simply also hugely reward you. In an age where people have attending spans of five seconds, it's astonishing that Dark Souls exists. Simply this truly unique gaming experience should be enjoyed at a slow pace and with patience considering if you have the patience, the game will certainly reward yous for it in a large way.

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Source: https://www.tweaktown.com/gaming/4920/dark_souls_prepare_to_die_edition_pc_review/index.html

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